Maximizing Broker Efficiency Through Quote Automation & Dynamic Pricing Webinar

Maximizing Broker Efficiency Through Quote Automation & Dynamic Pricing Webinar

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Mixing Bitfreighter and technologies is a win for the brokerage communities. Over 20 billion aggregated transactional data available to help put you at an advantage. These tools are available to brokers at all levels. Our goal is to help democratize the access to great technology. Using AI assisted tools have helped our customers bid on more freight, more frequently, and accurately.

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About Us offers a dynamic pricing infrastructure for the logistics industry that optimizes and enriches historical and real-time market data to predict buy rates and sell prices that are 2 - 3X more accurate than traditional pricing methods, empowering LSPs to increase profit per transaction and volume per rep. We were started in 2020 by a team of veterans who have collectively spent over 100 years in the supply chain industry.
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